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December Milestones

We’re extremely excited to show you some of the updates our team has been working on this month! December’s milestones allow you to not only see specifically how well your emails are doing in the hands of your customers, but they also allow you to track some other items that we think you are really going to appreciate! We realize customer engagement is extremely vital to your restaurant’s success, and we believe these updates are going to help you take an additional step to track how well your marketing strategy is functioning in real time.

Here are some of the exciting updates to the email module we want to share with you:

  1. When adding and removing groups for an email, the dashboard now shows the number of customers who will be receiving your email.  
  2. When including an offer in an email, there is now a checkbox to allow the offer button to use a customized headline of your choosing instead of the default “Click for Offer.”
  3. There is now a notice you can view that lets you know how many customers an email will be sent to on the schedule modal.
  4. There is now an open rate column so you can see exactly who is seeing the email
  5. There is now a list included of customers who have unsubscribed from your email service.

In addition we’ve made some small changes to our Forms module, which we think you might like:

  1. On the Job Applications form, there is now “Employment Type” and “Employment Position fields.
  2. Forms that include the “Contact a Manager” field, now pre-fill email addresses and phone numbers if one had already been entered in the previous customer address or phone number fields.

We always appreciate your feedback, and would love to hear how the dashboard is helping to serve your restaurant’s marketing strategy! Stay tuned next month to see January’s milestones.

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